Impact Aware Manipulation (I.AM.) archive containing box-drop experiments for Parameter Identification of Box006
I.AM. archive as part of the Impact-Aware Robotics Archives Collection. This archive contains recordings of experiments that are executed under the scenario of TOSS. In these recordings, a UR10 robot is used to toss and drop Box006 on a conveyor belt. The purpose of these experiments is to obtain data for Parameter Identification as part of a modeling framework. This modeling framework is used within the H2020 I.AM. project ( to predict the end pose of a certain box on a conveyor belt, after it is tossed. This means that the involved contact is between the object and the environment, which in these recordings are Box006 and a conveyor, respectively. All the recordings in the archive were performed at the Innovation Lab of Vanderlande, located within the TU/e campus. More information can be found on
- 2022-09-08 first online, published, posted
md, HDF5Funding
- Impact Aware Manipulation by Dexterous Robot Control and Learning in Dynamic Semi-Structured Logistic Environments (grant code 871899) [more info...] European Commission
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dynamics and Control GroupDATA
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220907_I_AM_Archive_5_ParamID_Box006.h5 -
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