Experiment data and videos, underlying the MSc thesis: Local roadmap adaptation for mobile manipulators in incrementally changing environments
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DOI: 10.4121/14912766
DOI: 10.4121/14912766
Datacite citation style:
Evelien Heerkens (2021): Experiment data and videos, underlying the MSc thesis: Local roadmap adaptation for mobile manipulators in incrementally changing environments. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/14912766.v1
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Supplementary data for the MSc thesis: Local roadmap adaptation for mobile manipulators in incrementally
changing environments (available at TU Delft repository) by E.J.
All information concerning the experiments can be found in the report.
experiment_data.zip: all raw data and figures from the experiments described in the thesis.obstacle_ground.mp4: video presenting the real-world performance of the proposed algorithm on the robot in experiment 8 for an incremental change on the groundobstacle_air.mp4: video presenting the real-world performance of the proposed algorithm on robot in experiment 8 for an incremental change in the air
contact: evelien.heerkens@hotmail.com
All information concerning the experiments can be found in the report.
experiment_data.zip: all raw data and figures from the experiments described in the thesis.obstacle_ground.mp4: video presenting the real-world performance of the proposed algorithm on the robot in experiment 8 for an incremental change on the groundobstacle_air.mp4: video presenting the real-world performance of the proposed algorithm on robot in experiment 8 for an incremental change in the air
contact: evelien.heerkens@hotmail.com
- 2021-07-06 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Department of Cognitive Robotics.DATA
Files (4)
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