Microscopy data, code and analysis underlying the publication "Optical STEM detection for scanning electron microscopy"
DOI: 10.4121/9c98aee1-608e-4c71-8b89-dcb1e8eb3e5e
Datacite citation style
Usage statistics
Time coverage 16-07-2021 -- 16-05-2023
Licence CC BY 4.0
Raw microscopy data underlying the publication, structured per experiment (figure). The imaging setting that is varied in the experiments (exposure/dwell time, beam current, landing energy) is indicated by the folder or image name. The images may have a data bar indicating the relevant acquisition settings.
- For more information on the sample preparation and image acquisition, see the Methodology section in the publication.
- The code and data analysis notebooks are included in the accompanying Github repository: https://github.com/hoogenboom-group/Kievits-OSTEM-2023
Data set structure:
- 1_Optimization-OSTEM: contains the images for the landing energy optimization (Figure 2 in the article). Images have a pixel size of 1 nm and where acquired with increments of 500 eV (electron volts). Dwell times are indicated in the folder names. The 'Qualitative' folder contains a subset of these data for ease of plotting Figure 2A.
- 2_Qualitative-comparison: contains qualitative images of rat pancreas and zebrafish larva (Figure 3). Both raw images (with metadata in TIFF header) and cropped images are included (used for publication). Images have a pixel size of 4 nm.
- 3_SNR-comparison-detectors: contains images used for the quantitative comparison of detectors (Figure 4). Contains a folder per detection technique with all the images. The 'Qualitative' folder contains a subset of these data for ease of plotting Figure 4A.
- 4_Image-resolution-detectors: contains raw images and extracted edge widths from FEI Image (Figure 5). The acquisition settings are indicated in the folder names, with one folder per detection technique.
- 5_Current-SNR-relation: contains the images with increasing beam current / fixed dwell time and increasing dwell time / fixed current (Figure 6). The 'Qualitative' folder contains a subset of the data for ease of plotting Figure 6A and 6B.
- 6_Supplementary: contains the supplementary data, used for the background texture analysis. The results in Figure S4 and Table S1 are based on these images.
General acquisition parameters
Pixel size = 1 nm (unless stated otherwise)
Beam current = 0.4nA (unless stated otherwise)
BSD, SE Landing energy = 1.5keV (typically)
OSTEM landing energy = 4keV (typically)
ADF-STEM landing energy = 25keV
- 2023-10-16 first online
- 2023-10-31 published, posted
TIFF, PNGAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Optical STEM detection for scanning electron microscopyFunding
- ZonMw (grant code 91111.006) [more info...] ZonMw
- NWO National Roadmap for Large-Scale Research Infrastructure of the Dutch Research Council (NWO 184.034.014)
- NWO-LIFT (grant code ENPPS.LIFT.019.030) [more info...] NWO
- EFRO Kansen voor West [more info...] EU-REACT
TU Delft, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Imaging PhysicsDATA
To access the source code, use the following command:
git clone https://data.4tu.nl/v3/datasets/e9adfc91-018d-4156-a7c1-189643e4c3b7.git
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