Data accompanying the PhD dissertation "Computational modeling and optimization of biopharmaceutical downstream processes".
DOI: 10.4121/63786a24-e94c-4030-84f3-510a29483025
Datacite citation style
This folder contains data generated during the PhD project: "Computational modeling and optimization of biopharmaceutical downstream processes".
By Daphne Keulen in Delft University of Technology and GSK
Supervisors: Marcel Ottens & Martin Pabst
Department of Biotechnology, section of Bioprocess Engineering
When using the date, please reference Keulen et al. (2024) dissertation "Computational modeling and optimization of biopharmaceutical downstream processes".
Chapter 4 - Comparing in silico flowsheet optimization strategies in biopharmaceutical downstream processes:
Contains the experimental data of the ultra- and diafiltration experiment using BSA (bovine serum albumin), related to Figure 4.5
UFDF_BSA_protein contains the experimental data of the measured protein amount in mAU.
The measured protein amount in mAU can be converted to concentration (mg/mL) using the calibration line, provided in the document calibration lines.
UFDF_BSA_salt contains the experimental data of the measured salt concentration in conductivity.
The measured salt concentration in mS/cm can be converted to salt concentration (mg/mL) using the calibration line, provided in the document calibration lines.
Chapter 5 - From protein structure to an optimized chromatographic capture step using multiscale modeling:
Contains the experimental data of the mechanistic model validation and the regression plots, related to Figure 5.4, Figure 5.2 and Appendix Figure A2 - A5
Linear gradient experiments using the AKTA were conducted for two protein mixtures at four pH values (pH 3.5, 4.3, 5.0, and 7.0) and various gradient lengths (20, 30, 40, 60, and 80 CV).
Folders pH_3.5, pH_4.3, pH_5, and pH_7 contain the raw measured data during the experiments. pH 5 and pH 7 also contain the converted concentrations used
for the mechanistic model validation (chapter_5_chromatographic_data_concentrations_pH_5.0 & chapter_5_chromatographic_data_concentrations_pH_7.0)
For the experimental conditions and methods, more information can be found in the PhD thesis.
- 2024-01-26 first online, published, posted
*.txt, *.xlsxFunding
- GlaxoSmitKline Biologicals S.A.
TU Delft, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of BiotechnologyGlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A.
Files (11)
- 22,991 bytesMD5:
Chapter_4_Calibration_lines.docx - 158,766 bytesMD5:
Chapter_4_Calibration_lines.pdf - 172,787 bytesMD5:
Chapter_4_UFDF_BSA_protein.txt - 96,671 bytesMD5:
Chapter_4_UFDF_BSA_salt.txt - 1,684,993 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_concentrations_pH_5.0.xlsx - 2,256,189 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_concentrations_pH_7.0.xlsx - 17,098,261 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_pH_3.5.xlsx - 18,409,791 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_pH_4.3.xlsx - 19,760,481 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_pH_5.0.xlsx - 20,646,405 bytesMD5:
Chapter_5_chromatographic_data_pH_7.0.xlsx - 1,922 bytesMD5:
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