22 & 23 May 2025: Mini-conference on Open and FAIR in Natural and Engineering Sciences. Register to attend.


4TU.ResearchData manages a data repository for technical-scientific research data that stores the data in a permanent and sustainable manner, following the guidelines of the international CoreTrustSeal. As a Trusted Digital Repository, we guarantee researchers that we take appropriate measures to ensure the availability and quality of the data, which we make available for the long term.

4TU.ResearchData supports Open Science and in that context the FAIR data principles to make research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR). This means that our data have a persistent identifier, are citable, are readable by humans and machines as much as possible, and have a license that guarantees openness and reusability.
Have look at this short demo to walk you through the steps of creating a dataset.

The upload process

Who can upload

Every researcher who has completed, technically scientific research data can upload this research data in our data repository.

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The repository contains completed datasets from applied scientific research that are of value to the researcher and others. Click here for a short demo on creating a dataset.

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Before uploading

During a research project we offer the possibilities to store, process and share research data with fellow researchers.

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After uploading

When your deposit has been submitted it will undergo a metadata quality review to ensure the completeness of the metadata.

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Why archiving

You keep your data safe and readable in the long term

As software and hardware evolve over time, it can be very difficult to keep up. As a result, important files often become lost or unreadable within a matter of years. 4TU.ResearchData is able to maintain your digital files and ensures that they remain usable over time.

You can comply to funder requirements

Research funders (e.g. the EC in Horizon2020, NWO, ZonMw) are increasingly adopting grant conditions with regard to the management and publication of research data. The reason behind this is that research data, produced in the context of a publicly funded research project, should be freely made available for reuse and verification.

Raise the impact of your research

By depositing at 4TU.ResearchData you make your data easily  accessible to more people than ever before. The more people who can use your data, the more public good it can do and the more it can do to enrich your field of research.

Raise your research profile

The more other researchers cite your data, the more they will know and admire your work. As the trend toward online open access rises, the prestige associated with data citations is growing. In addition, making your data available can increase the credibility of your analyses.

Log in & Upload data

our storage

The storage where 4TU.ResearchData saves and stores all data is managed by the ICT department of Delft University of Technology. All data is stored redundantly at 2 locations in Delft. The backup is stored in Leiden. All data is stored on Dutch territory in a safe and reliable way.