22 & 23 May 2025: Mini-conference on Open and FAIR in Natural and Engineering Sciences. Register to attend.


4TU.ResearchData has been awarded the CoreTrustSeal, a certification that promotes sustainable and trustworthy data infrastructures by setting out requirements for trusted data repositories.

What is CoreTrustSeal?

A CoreTrustSeal badge is a way to distinguish which repositories are trustworthy. Repositories that wish to be certified submit a detailed application that undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. The CoreTrustSeal review process assesses compliance with sixteen requirements related to organisational governance, data management and technical infrastructure. Together, these provide assurance that the data provided are from a trustworthy repository.

Why is this important?

CoreTrustSeal accreditation provides researchers with the assurance that their data held in our repository will remain useful and meaningful into the future. The accreditation also assures funders, publishers and other stakeholders that resources are findable, accessible, understandable and reusable over time, thus enabling reproducibility of research and data reuse for future discoveries.

As a CoreTrustSeal-certified trustworthy data repository we continue to promote the realisation of the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) Data Principles, thereby ensuring and enhancing the ‘FAIRness’ of data over the long term for all users of our services.

For more information about our CoreTrustSeal certification, or about 4TU.ResearchData, please contact us at researchdata@4tu.nl or find the full application here.