22 & 23 May 2025: Mini-conference on Open and FAIR in Natural and Engineering Sciences. Register to attend.

After uploading your dataset

Review and publication of datasets

When your upload has been submitted it will undergo a metadata quality review to ensure the completeness of the data and metadata. The following quality checks on the metadata and data are performed:

  • completeness of required and optional metadata
  • documentation
  • links to related materials
  • file format
  • privacy issues

More details about our review process can be found in our Metadata review guidelines.

Once the review is complete, comments and suggestions for updates and improvements are returned to you. Immediate after your approval we will publish your dataset online. An email notification will be sent to you to inform you that the dataset has been published. The average processing time for new uploads is three working days.

Modification and versioning

You are allowed to modify your published dataset. Go to your My Datasets page, locate your record in the list of published datasets, and click on the "+" icon to the far right.

Be aware that modifying the dataset’s metadata or the file(s) associated with the dataset will always create a new version of the item and its DOI. DOIs are versioned, whereby the alphanumeric string may be followed by e.g. .1, .2, .3, and so on to denote version numbers

The base DOI of the published dataset (without version number) will always take you to the latest version of the item. Versions are listed and accessible in the drop down menu under the item title, each is date-stamped.

Preserve data

Data preservation refers to maintaining access to data and files over time. For data to be preserved, at minimum, it must be stored in a secure location, stored across multiple locations, and saved in file formats that will likely have the greatest utility in the future. The 4TU.ResearchData archive is offering just that.

4TU.ResearchData provides you with:

  1. secure preservation of your data for a minimum of 15 years
  2. an easy access point or DOI for those who are interested in finding, downloading, and reusing your data
  3. personal advice and support

Find out more about the 4TU.ResearchData preservation strategies.