Data underlying the publication: Quantitative physiology and proteomic adaptations of Bifidobacterium breve NRBB57 at near-zero growth rates
DOI: 10.4121/21960575
This data set corresponds to the proteome of Bifidobacterium breve NRBB57 which was cultivated at different growth rates from high (0.4 h-1) to near-zero growth rates. The bacteria was cultivated in retentostat and chemostat systems in a media with lactose as energy source. For the proteome analysis, samples were taken from the steady states of 3 biological replicates of the chemostats (µ=0.4 h-1, µ=0.12 h-1, µ=0.05 h-1, µ=0.025 h-1) and from 3 biological replicates of the retentostats after 1, 2 and 3 weeks after connecting the filter.
Relative protein quantification was performed by Proteome Discoverer based on peptide intensity signals using default settings.
- 2023-02-06 first online, published, posted
- AF16187
Wageningen University & Research, Department of Food Microbiology, Agrotechnology and Food SciencesDanone Nutricia Research, Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Bb NRBB57 Proteomics data.xlsx