Dataset with aggregated data accompanying SEFI Paper: Educating Future Robotics Engineers In Multidisciplinary Approaches In Robot Software Design

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doi: 10.4121/88c22b1d-ac5f-43cc-9113-5efb8b253776
Datacite citation style:
Saunders-Smits, Gillian; Claij, Cilia; van der Niet, Astrid (2023): Dataset with aggregated data accompanying SEFI Paper: Educating Future Robotics Engineers In Multidisciplinary Approaches In Robot Software Design. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Aggregated data set in .xlsx format of the qualitative questionnaire resultsThis dataset contains aggregated data accompanying SEFI Paper: Educating Future Robotics Engineers In Multidisciplinary Approaches In Robot Software Design in .xlsx format of the qualitative questionnaire results. The research objective for the study was: To investigate the student experience in the Multi-Disciplinary Project in the MSc Robotics in the academic year 2023-2024 using a questionnaire which was fielded in June and July 2023. The main research question was: What can be learned from student feedback and perceptions regarding the course’s Learning Objectives and the overall running of the course? The data was collected using a Qualtrics online survey and both qualitative and quantitative data such as student satisfaction with course components were collected. The work was reported in a conference paper: Van Der Niet, A., Claij, C., & Saunders-Smits, G. (2023). Educating Future Robotics Engineers In Multidisciplinary Approaches In Robot Software Design. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI). DOI: 10.21427/W6WB-Z113

  • 2023-12-21 first online, published, posted
Delft University of Technology. Faculty of Technical Engineering, Department of Cognitive Robotics


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