Comfort-oriented driving: performance comparison between human drivers and motion planners (Dataset)

doi: 10.4121/21947618.v1
The doi above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
doi: 10.4121/21947618
Datacite citation style:
Yanggu Zheng; Shyrokau, B. (Barys) (2023): Comfort-oriented driving: performance comparison between human drivers and motion planners (Dataset). Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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The name of the dataset is derived from 'WOerden West Experiment on human Driving performance'. It contains 14 MAT files, each with the data of a recorded run from our on-road driving experiment with publicly recruited participants. The details of the study are described in an article currently in review at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. A link to the article will be added once it is available online. In each file, there are 5 struct variables: 'GPS', 'IMU', 'EST', 'Opt_AC' and 'Opt_MS'. GPS and IMU contain the raw measurement data from onboard sensors. EST is the optimal estimate of vehicle motion calculated from the measurements using the numerical optimization technique. Opt_AC and Opt_MS are the optimal motion profiles computed by our optimization-based motion planners, the former focusing on optimizing acceleration comfort while the latter on minimizing motion sickness.

  • 2023-01-26 first online, published, posted
MAT files for MATLAB
  • Benchmarking of Wheel Corner Concepts Towards Optimal Comfort by Automated Driving (grant code 872907) [more info...] European Commission
TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3mE), Department of Cognitive Robotics.


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