Dataset and codes underlying "The younger flagellum sets the beat for C. reinhardtii"
doi: 10.4121/21972695
The dataset presented are what underlies the paper "The younger flagellum sets the beat for C. reinhardtii". Codes for modeling and plotting, and the hydrodynamic computations' data are included.
Eukaryotes swim by coordinating flagellar movements and adjust their direction by fine-tuning this coordination. C. reinhardtii, a model organism, uses synchronous flagellar beating for propulsion and adjusts direction by modulating beating amplitudes. This strategy relies on inherent flagellar differences and effective coordination during synchronous beating. Mechanical connections support synchrony, but how flagellar differences persist during synchrony is unclear. This study combines experiments, computations, and modeling to reveal the roles of each flagellum in synchronous beating. By selectively loading each flagellum, researchers found that coordinated beating responds mainly to loading on the cis flagellum, indicating an asymmetric response due to unilateral coupling between flagella. These results highlight distinct roles for each flagellum in coordination and have implications for the behavior of biflagellates.
- 2024-05-15 first online, published, posted
- ERC starting grants no. 716712
- ERC starting grants no. 101042612
Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
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