Data underlying the publication: Mapping recombination landscape and basidial spore number in the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus
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DOI: 10.4121/14695425
DOI: 10.4121/14695425
Datacite citation style:
Lavrijssen, Brian; Telgerd, Narges Sedaghat; Sonnenberg, Anton S.M.; Patrick Hendrickx (2021): Data underlying the publication: Mapping recombination landscape and basidial spore number in the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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version 2 - 2021-06-25 (latest)
version 1 - 2021-05-28
Usage statistics
Time coverage 2014-2016
Licence CC BY 4.0
- Raw data of counts of basidial spore numbers in lamellae of 2 varieties of A. bisporus, i.e. var. bisporus and var. burnettii (parents).
The intervarietal hybrid and the intercross of haploid offspring of the intervarietal hybrid. These data sets are used to map QTL of the basidial spore number.
- A selection of 71 haploid offspring of HBT03 that was outcrossed with H39. This set was used to generate 40-50 haploid offspring that was subsequently genotyped to assess crossover positions.
These data were used to QTL map the trait " recombination landscape"
- Genotypes of the intervarietal hybrid HBT03 (var. bisporus H97 x var. burnettii H119p4).
180 homokaryotic single spore isolates (SSIs) were genotyped using 215 SNP's using Kasp genotyping method.
- 71 haploid offspring of the intervarietal hybrid HBT03 were outcrossed with the var. bisporis homokaryon H39.
From each hybrid, 40-50 haploid offspring was genotyped using 4 SNP markers per chromosome:
markers at the chromosome ends, and 2 markers 150-200 kb from chromosome ends ("border" marker).
The intervarietal hybrid and the intercross of haploid offspring of the intervarietal hybrid. These data sets are used to map QTL of the basidial spore number.
- A selection of 71 haploid offspring of HBT03 that was outcrossed with H39. This set was used to generate 40-50 haploid offspring that was subsequently genotyped to assess crossover positions.
These data were used to QTL map the trait " recombination landscape"
- Genotypes of the intervarietal hybrid HBT03 (var. bisporus H97 x var. burnettii H119p4).
180 homokaryotic single spore isolates (SSIs) were genotyped using 215 SNP's using Kasp genotyping method.
- 71 haploid offspring of the intervarietal hybrid HBT03 were outcrossed with the var. bisporis homokaryon H39.
From each hybrid, 40-50 haploid offspring was genotyped using 4 SNP markers per chromosome:
markers at the chromosome ends, and 2 markers 150-200 kb from chromosome ends ("border" marker).
- 2021-05-28 first online
- 2021-06-25 published, posted
txt xlsxOrganizations
Plant Breeding, Wageningen University & ResearchDATA
Files (11)
- 2,370 bytesMD5:
README.txt - 1,750 bytesMD5:
BSN_raw_data.txt - 270,361 bytesMD5:
BSN_raw_data.xlsx - 1,509 bytesMD5:
Genotypes_F2.txt - 74,291 bytesMD5:
Genotypes_F2.xlsx - 157,268 bytesMD5:
HBT03_Genotypes.xlsx - 1,242 bytesMD5:
HBT03Genotypes.txt - 2,133 bytesMD5:
QTL_input_recombination_landscape.txt - 35,704 bytesMD5:
QTL_input_Recombination_landscape.xlsx - 1,600 bytesMD5:
SNP list of KASP markers.txt - 47,389 bytesMD5:
SNP list of KASP markers.xlsx -
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