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Totals for datasets (co-)authored by Willem-Paul Brinkman
Willem-Paul Brinkman
- Acceptance of a Virtual Coach for Quitting Smoking and Becoming Physically Active: Dataset
- Addressing people’s current and future states in a reinforcement learning algorithm for persuading to quit smoking and to be physically active: Data and analysis code
- Analysis underlying user study with kidney transplant patients and user interface of a self-management support system
- Artificial Social Agent Questionnaire Instrument
- Attitudes Toward a Virtual Smoking Cessation Coach: Analysis Code
- Automatic Mechanisms for Measuring Subjective Unit of Discomfort: Erratum, datafile and analysis scripts
- Collaboratively Setting Daily Step Goals with a Virtual Coach: Using Reinforcement Learning to Personalize Initial Proposals - Data and Analysis Code
- Computer-based Fear Regulation during Virtual Reality Exposure for Social Anxiety
- Data and Analysis Underlying Study of Factors Affecting User’s Behavioral Intention and Use of a Mobile-Phone Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia.
- Data and analysis code for the Masters thesis titled "Dyadic Physical Activity Planning with a Virtual Coach: Using Reinforcement Learning to Select Persuasive Strategies"
- Data and analysis for the publication: Content-Based Recommender Support System for Counselors in a Suicide Prevention Chat Helpline: Design and Evaluation Study
- Data and analysis underlying the paper: The effect of a conversational agent on individuals' motivation to perform a cognitive restructuring exercise
- Data and analysis underlying the research into the Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire: Establishing the long and short questionnaire versions
- Data and analysis underlying two user studies on acceptance and effect of computer-based perspective broadening support for appraisal training
- Data and analysis underlying User study location-sharing mobile app the Netherlands
- Data and code underlying the master thesis: Goal-setting dialogue for physical activity with a virtual coach
- Data and code underlying the master thesis: Motivating, your way - Experiment analysis to compare effects of tailored messages versus generic messages
- Data and code underlying the bachelor thesis: Traits for a virtual coach to be a ”friend”
- Data and code underlying the paper: Mandarin Chinese translation of the Artificial-Social-Agent questionnaire instrument for evaluating human-agent interaction
- Data and code underlying the master thesis: Using Reinforcement Learning to Personalize Daily Step Goals for a Collaborative Dialogue with a Virtual Coach
- Data and results for the bachelor thesis: Reasons to continue or stop using a virtual coach for quitting smoking and increasing physical activity: A mixed-methods analysis.
- Data underlying the publication: Controlling Social Stress in Virtual Reality Environments
- Data underlying the publication: Home-Based Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy with Virtual Health Agent Support.
- Data underlying the publication: Virtual Coaching for Smoking Cessation: What are Users Preference in Ethical Principles for Human Feedback Allocation
- Difficulty and Time Perceptions of Preparatory Activities for Quitting Smoking: Dataset
- Dutch ASA Questionnaire Translation - Translation and Formative Assessment: Round 3
- Dutch ASA Questionnaire Translation - Translation and Formative Assessment: Rounds 1 and 2
- Everyday environments as cues to smoke: Personalized environments in virtual reality to elicit smoking cravings - Data and Analysis Code
- Feasibility of generating structured motivational messages for tailored physical activity coaching: Data and analysis code
- German ASA Questionnaire Translation - Part 1: Translation and Formative Assessment
- German and Dutch Translations of the Artificial-Social-Agent Questionnaire Instrument for Evaluating Human-Agent Interactions: Final Questionnaires, Data, Analysis Code and Appendix
- Human Feedback Messages for Preparing for Quitting Smoking: Dataset
- Illustrative screenshots of the Multi Modal Memory Restructuring (3MR) used for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) treatment
- Negotiation Dialogues and virtual cognitions for virtual reality negotiation training, English version
- Negotiation performance video tests
- Persuading to Prepare for Quitting Smoking with a Virtual Coach: Using States and User Characteristics to Predict Behavior - Data, Analysis Code and Appendix
- Preparing for Quitting Smoking and Becoming More Physically Active with a Virtual Coach: Reflections for Persuasive Messages and Action Plans
- Public speaking training in front of an imaginary or virtual audience: A randomized controlled trial
- Reinforcement learning for proposing smoking cessation activities that build competencies: Combining two worldviews in a virtual coach - Data, analysis code, and appendix for the PhD thesis chapter
- Reliability and validity analyses for the coding of information entered into the Ehealth4MDD database
- Screenshots of Virtual Reality Imagery Rescripting tool
- Setting Physical Activity Goals with a Virtual Coach: Data and Analysis Code
- Supplementary data to the paper: Self-identification with a virtual experience and its moderating effect on self-efficacy and presence
- The impact of human feedback in a chatbot-based smoking cessation intervention: An empirical study into psychological, economic, and ethical factors - Data and analysis code for the PhD thesis chapter
- Users' needs for a digital smoking cessation application and how to address them: Data and analysis code