Data underlying the publication: Retrieving pulsatility in ultrasound localization microscopy

The doi above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
doi: 10.4121/21517878
Datacite citation style:
Wiersma, Myrthe; Heiles, Baptiste; Kalisvaart, Dylan; Maresca, David; Smith, Carlas (2022): Data underlying the publication: Retrieving pulsatility in ultrasound localization microscopy. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite

General information

This simulation data belongs to the article:

Retrieving pulsatility in ultrasound localization microscopy

DOI: 10.1109/OJUFFC.2022.3221354

This information is also available in README.txt, included in this repository. 

Code availability

The scripts that should be used to process this data can be found at:

Data description

The simulation data in this repository, is contained in several .zip files:

  • This dataset contains the simulation data needed to reproduce Fig. 3 of the article.
  • This dataset contains the simulation data corresponding to the lateral vessel location R1. It is needed to reproduce Fig 4 and Fig. 6b. 
  • This dataset contains the simulation data corresponding to the lateral vessel location R2. It is needed to reproduce Fig 4 and Fig. 6b. 
  • This dataset contains the simulation data corresponding to the lateral vessel location R3. It is needed to reproduce Fig 4 and Fig. 6b. 

The .zip folders contain the following:

  • LOTUS_INPUT: This folder contains the input simulated ultrasound images, of which the file names are parametrized as:
  1. chunk***.mat:     Data set containing IQ variable of size 180x240x1000, containing 1000 B-mode images of dimension 9mmx12mm
  • ULM_results: This folder is initially empty. Results of running the scripts will be stored in this folder.
  • PAR.mat: Parameters with which the ultrasound images are simulated. See scripts for further details.
  • TOTAL_MB.mat: Contains the variable MB_loc_conc that describes the simulated (ground truth) location of the MBs at each frame (z, x) [mm].
  • Saved MB tracks used for visualization. One of the following options:
  1. RAW_tracks.mat 
  2. Track_r1_illustration.mat
  3. Track_r2_illustration.mat
  4. Track_r3_illustration.mat
  • GT_theta.mat: Ground truth orientation of the simulated vessels
  • velAv.mat: Average velocity in the simulated vessels during the simulation.

Download the desired .zip file and see the documentation at for instructions on processing the data. 

  • 2022-12-19 first online, published, posted
Simulated data in zipped .mat files
  • TU Delft AI Labs Initiative
  • Medical Delta Program Ultrafast Heart and Brain
  • 4TU Program Precision Medicine
  • Multi messenger Imaging of Cancer (grant code 101032769) [more info...] European Commission
TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft Center for Systems and Control;
TU Delft, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Imaging Physics


files (5)