Data underlying the publication: YAP/TAZ drives Notch and angiogenesis mechanoregulation in silico
doi: 10.4121/e12cc475-432a-4315-bc64-15a8888e3571
Data belonging to the article "YAP/TAZ drives Notch and angiogenesis mechanoregulation in silico"
It contains the MATLAB code used to run all simulations, the fitting algorithms and the code used to obtain all Figures.
The study focused on the mechanoresponse of Notch and in turn, that of angiogenesis. We hypothesized that this response could be explained through Notch interactions with mechano-sensitive YAP/TAZ. The modeled implementation was used to also investigate and suggest avenues through which to steer angiogenesis; by cytoskeletal manipulations and heterogeneous stiffness patterns.
- 2024-10-08 first online, published, posted
TU Eindhoven, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS)
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