Data underlying the publication: Odorant receptors in larvae and adults of a butterfly species: from identification to ecological significance

doi: 10.4121/d4277ed9-49ab-4dca-9593-0be5b63a987e.v1
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doi: 10.4121/d4277ed9-49ab-4dca-9593-0be5b63a987e
Datacite citation style:
Wang, Qi; Smid, Hans; Marcel Dicke; Haverkamp, Alexander (2023): Data underlying the publication: Odorant receptors in larvae and adults of a butterfly species: from identification to ecological significance. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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The two videos are the supplementary videos of the Chapter 3 of the doctoral thesis "Odorant receptors in larvae and adults of a butterfly species: from identification to ecological significance". Supplementary video V1 describes the morphology of Pieris brassicae L3 caterpillar head and Orco-positive neurons housed by three olfacotry sensillum. Orco-positive neurons are stained by Orco anti-body. Supplementary video V2 shows all glomeruli in the larval antennal center of Pieris brassicae larvae, glomeruli are stained by axon tracing. Data was collected usingLeica Stellaris 8 confocal microscope.

  • 2023-11-17 first online, published, posted
Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University and Research


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