Data underlying the publication: Co-authorship networks in Maritime Economics

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doi: 10.4121/cc7571d7-3a0f-4edc-987e-ca453fe41363
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Nestoridou, Odetti (2023): Data underlying the publication: Co-authorship networks in Maritime Economics. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Network structure in academia demonstrates the way knowledge is articulated and disseminated. The academic area of economics includes a populous community of researchers who publish the results of their work in a plethora of journals. Maritime Economics is part of this community; however, it possesses distinct characteristics that stem from the nature of the shipping business. We shed light on the structure of this community, exploring co-authoring partnership between economics scholars that publish their work in Shipping, Maritime and Transportation journals. Our data set consists of 1863 documents published between 1998 and 2017 in 12 primarily maritime economics journals. The selection of articles was based on a specified number of identified keywords. We employ social network analysis to identify the structure of collaboration networks and calculate centrality and clustering metrics that demonstrate the central nodes as well as the foremost co-authorship patterns between authors, affiliations, affiliation countries. We have discovered that research in maritime economics has been expanding and the collaboration between authors and affiliations is denser in the more recent years. Our findings demonstrate our attempt to unravel the social structure of the maritime academic community.

  • 2023-04-21 first online, published, posted
Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx) with nodexl calculations
University of Piraeus, Department of Maritime Studies, Greece


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