Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory field flume"
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DOI: 10.4121/14572056
DOI: 10.4121/14572056
Datacite citation style:
Jaco Smit de; Bouma, T.J. (Tjeerd); Gerkema, Theo; Kleinhans, M.G. (Maarten) (2021): Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory field flume". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Dataset and scripts for "Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory flow channel"
The dataset contains measurements and analyses of erodibility of defaunated sediments with a range in mud contents, erodibility measurements of sand using a range of wave periods, and erodibility measurements of natural sediments from the Mokbaai tidal basin in Texel, The Netherlands. contains all data + ReadMe.txt with more detailed explanation of contents. Scripts are available both as .mlx files (live scripts to run in Matlab) and wordfiles including output figures (for examination only).
The dataset contains measurements and analyses of erodibility of defaunated sediments with a range in mud contents, erodibility measurements of sand using a range of wave periods, and erodibility measurements of natural sediments from the Mokbaai tidal basin in Texel, The Netherlands. contains all data + ReadMe.txt with more detailed explanation of contents. Scripts are available both as .mlx files (live scripts to run in Matlab) and wordfiles including output figures (for examination only).
- 2021-09-22 first online, published, posted
4TU.ResearchDataAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Quantifying natural sediment erodibility using a mobile oscillatory flow channelOrganizations
NIOZ Royal Netherland Institute for Sea ResearchDATA
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