Source code for the paper "Constructing Phylogenetic Networks via Cherry Picking and Machine Learning"

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doi: 10.4121/c679cd3c-0815-4021-a727-bcb8b9174b27
Datacite citation style:
Julien, Esther; Bernardini, Giulia; Stougie, Leen; van Iersel, Leo (2023): Source code for the paper "Constructing Phylogenetic Networks via Cherry Picking and Machine Learning". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. software.
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The contents of this repository is the source code for the paper "Constructing Phylogenetic Networks via Cherry Picking and Machine Learning" by Giulia Bernardini, Leo van Iersel, Esther Julien, and Leen Stougie. The research question for this project is the following: "Can machine learning increase the performance of a heuristic to construct phylogenetic networks given a set of phylogenetic trees with the same set of taxa?" This question has been answered by formalizing a method that uses ML and so-called method "cherry picking", and performing numerical experiments based on python code.

  • 2023-03-30 first online, published, posted
.py files for code, .joblib for machine learning models, and text files for test instances (in newick format)
TU Delft, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics


To access the source code, use the following command:

git clone

Or download the latest commit as a ZIP.

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