Drawings and pictures of Sand Scraper design and user manual for the device

Datacite citation style:
Christa van IJzendoorn (2022): Drawings and pictures of Sand Scraper design and user manual for the device. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/17121269.v1
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choose version: version 2 - 2022-11-14 (latest)
version 1 - 2022-05-12
The sand scraper was designed to determine the vertical variability of grain sizes at the beach surface. Here, designs, drawings and photos of the sand scraper are provided to enable the reproduction of the device. Additionally, the manual of the original sand scraper is provided to give insight into the use of the device in the field.

Note that the designs, drawings and photos show the most important mechanisms of the device but for full reproduction more details are needed. Please contact Christa van IJzendoorn (c.o.vanijzendoorn@tudelft.nl) and Pieter van der Gaag (p.vandergaag@tudelft.nl) when you want to make a reproduction of the Sand Scraper.


  • 2022-05-12 first online, published, posted




The user manual is provided as a pdf The drawings are included as pdf files. Picture are available in the jpg format. Information about alterations made to the design for a second version are included as .txt-files.


  • This work is part of the research programme DuneForce with project number 17064, which is (partly) financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).


TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Hydraulic Engineering


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