Data from chapter 4 of the thesis 'Herbivores shape the seascape'

doi: 10.4121/86ec78aa-288a-44c7-b71e-a34ddec913bf.v3
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doi: 10.4121/86ec78aa-288a-44c7-b71e-a34ddec913bf
Datacite citation style:
Fee O.H. Smulders; O'Shea, O.R.; Christianen, M.J.A. (Marjolijn) (2024): Data from chapter 4 of the thesis 'Herbivores shape the seascape'. Version 3. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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version 3 - 2024-05-24 (latest)
version 2 - 2024-02-20 version 1 - 2024-02-01

# Introduction


In this chapter, we describe how green sea turtles that are fed by tourists show a deviating behavioural pattern with important conclusions for turtle conservation.


# Measurements and data collection


The videofiles that are part of this chapter were taken with cameratags(camera: Drift Ghost X) attached to the carapace of green sea turtles in The Bahamas.

  • 2024-02-01 first online
  • 2024-05-24 published, posted
Aquatic Ecology and Water Quality Management, Wageningen University & Research
The Centre for Ocean Research and Education: Gregory Town, Eleuthera Island, BS


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