Source files of deliverable 3.6 of the ALPHEUS project: "Report on the dry-test validation of PTO incl. control at TRL4".
DOI: 10.4121/80e1d4f0-6a07-440b-9b0d-c6b16b7cade7
This dataset contains all data that was used or generated for the creation of deliverable 3.6 of the ALPHEUS project: "Report on the dry-test validation of PTO incl. control at TRL4", which is a report on the validation of a control architecture for a Contra-Rotating RPT. The full report will be shortly available on under D3.6. Among the data, the datasets used for emulation and the lookup tables used for the control architecture are found in "Emulation&LookupTables (Matlab)" and "SmallScaleData (Excel)". The results of the friction tests of the drivetrains are found in "FrictionTests (Matlab)" and the validation results for providing Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) are found in "ValidationResults (Matlab)". A video is added of the setup in pump mode providing FCR.
- 2023-09-04 first online, published, posted
*.mat, *.mlx, *.mp4, *.xlsxFunding
- ALPHEUS (grant code 883553) [more info...] European Union
Ghent University, Department of Electromechanical, Systems & Metal EngineeringDATA
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