Supplementary benchmark data and case settings for "Wake Structures and Performance of Wind Turbine Rotor With Harmonic Surging Motions Under Laminar and Turbulent Inflows"
DOI: 10.4121/69857c01-9a2d-440c-abd3-b3f79ef679b4
Datacite citation style
Licence CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Animations, case setting, source code, data, and source images for animations "Wake Structures and Performance of Wind Turbine Rotor With Harmonic Surging Motions Under Laminar and Turbulent Inflows" (Li, Y., Yu, W., & Sarlak, H. (2024). Wind Energy, Volume 27, Issue 12, Pages 1499-1525, DOI:
Note that these materials were not provided during the publication process. Thus, they are not peer reviewed.
Please contact YuanTso Li ( for further information.
Version control
Directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/caseSettingsSelectedData/sourceFileNREL5MW" was not included in version 1, it is now included.
The simulations were perform using OpenFOAM v2106
For referring, below are the modules loaded
module swap gcc/10.3.0-binutils-2.36.1
module swap mpi/4.1.1-gcc-10.3.0-binutils-2.36.1
module load OpenFoam/v2106/gcc-10.3.0-binutils-2.36.1-openmpi-4.1.1
Stored in directory "movies".
Movies of streetwise velocity (u, "XXXX_Vel.mp4") and out-of-plane velocity (omega_y, "XXXX_Vor.mp4") fields on plane y/D = 0.0 for various cases listed in Table 1. The time length of all the movies cover 4 complete ratational cycles (~10s). t = 0s is shifted to the start of the movies for convenience.
In the top of each panel, time (t, Omega and omega_S are the rotational frequency and surging frequency, respectively) and the surging velocity of the rotor (V_S) are indicated. On the left, case number (correspond to the Table 1. of the publication), surging settings (v_{max} is the ratio of the maximum surging velocity to inflow velocity. k_D is the reduced frequency based on the rotor diameter. See Equation 3 in the publication), and the inflow turbulence intensity are labeled.
These movies are compressed using file format of mp4. Uncompressed images used to make the movies can be found in directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/sourcePNGsForMovie". Each rotational cycle consists of 24 images.
"TICondenseVideo.mp4" presents the fixed and surging cases with different inflow turbulence intensities.
"AmpFreLamCondenseVideo.mp4" presents the cases with different surging settings under laminar inflow conditions.
"AmpFreTurbCondenseVideo.mp4" presents the cases with different surging settings under turbulent inflow conditions (TI = 5.3%).
Stored in directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/caseSettingsSelectedData".
The cases settings appeared in the manuscript can be found in directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/caseSettingsSelectedData". Every case used 64 processor and ran for around 66 hr to complete (Lenovo ThinkSystem SD530 with the processors being Intel Xeon Gold 6126, see Ref. [27] for more details on the hardware we used). Job script used by the author is provided ("jobsubmit_gbar_Clem2"). Execute file "meshing_script" to make the mesh. Job script we used is also provided ("jobsubmit_gbar_Clem2"). Note that the mesh for turbulent inflow cases were different form the laminar inflow cases, there might be some mistake in the case setting file as the author rely heavily on copying while executing the cases (we are sure that case "1" and "3" have the correct mesh settings). Note that the cases were set mostly through modifying file "parameterMaster". Note that some of the parameters are actually useless, they are there for "historical reasons".
Stored in directory "codes/src".
Source code for the library used is provided in directory "src". Note that the source code was a modified version of turbinesFoam developed by Bachant et al., their README file and license are included as "README_from_turbinesFoam" and "LICENSE_from_turbinesFoam", respectively. Execute "Allwmake" and the library should be compiled automatically (file "" should be generated somewhere depend on how the path is set). If it gives errors, one may have to check the path setting that depends on the machine one uses (in the file "src/Make/files"). Note that in the source code, many lines/variables are not used, they are there for "historical reasons".
Data presented in the publication can be found in the directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/caseSettingsSelectedData"
Entering this directory, one can find directories named in the case name provided in Table 1 in the manuscript. Selected results of all cases are available.
Entering case directory, one can find directories "exportedCSVs" and "postProcessing/turbines/0".
"exportedCSVs" saves the sectional data in csv format (check the first few lines to see the file structure), they are used to plot contour plots in the manuscript. The file names of the csv files are self explainable. "...PlanePhase000.csv" indicates the data is phase-averaged based on phi_S = 0.0 pi, while "...PlanePhase180.csv" indicates the data is phase-averaged based on phi_S = 1.0 pi (data of phase-averaging based on phi_S = 1.0 pi are not presented in the manuscript).
"turbines" saves the integral properties of turbines output for both the upstream and the downstream rotor. Entry "time" is simulation time, "angle_deg" is the rotational phase angle (phi_{Omega}) in degree, "cp" is the power coefficient, "cd" is the thrust coefficient (ref wind speed for upstream and downstream rotor were 11.4 m/s and 7.6 m/s, respectively. Notice this is different than what it was presented in the manuscript). Note that some entries are not used, they are there for "historical reasons" (check the source code).
Stored in directory "caseSettingsDataPNGs/sourcePNGsForMovie".
Source images for movies are provided in directory "sourcePNGsForMovie" hoping to make comparing different time steps easier. Executable file "makeVideo" is included in each sub directory. The file was used to create the mp4 files in "movies".
- 2024-12-02 first online
- 2024-12-09 published, posted
OpenFOAM files, .C, .H, mp4, pngAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Wake Structures and Performance of Wind Turbine Rotor With Harmonic Surging Motions Under Laminar and Turbulent InflowsReferences
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Flow Physics and Technology, Section of Wind Energy;Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Department of Wind and Energy Systems
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