Wei Yu
- Data for Unsteady Actuator Disc Experiment - August 2015
- Data from the pressure measurement of a pitching airfoil NACA643418
- Data from the study of PIV measurement flow field of the airfoil NACA0021 under surging motion
- Data underlying the publication: An experimental study of the unsteady aerodynamics of a static DU91-W2-150 airfoil at large angles of attack
- Supplementary animations and simulation settings for "Wake Aerodynamic of Multi-Rotor System with Lifting-Devices Under Different Ambient Turbulence"
- Supplementary benchmark data and case settings for "Wake interaction of dual surging FOWT rotors in tandem"
- Supplementary benchmark data and case settings for "Wake Structures and Performance of Wind Turbine Rotor With Harmonic Surging Motions Under Laminar and Turbulent Inflows"
- Underling source code and case settings for "Numerical Investigation of Regenerative Wind Farms Featuring Enhanced Vertical Energy Entrainment"