usage stats
Totals for datasets (co-)authored by Andrea Sciacchitano
Andrea Sciacchitano
- Benchmark experimental and numerical database on transitional cavity flow
- Data from the pressure measurement of a pitching airfoil NACA643418
- Data from the study of PIV measurement flow field of the airfoil NACA0021 under surging motion
- Data underlying the work: Aerodynamics Analysis of Speed Skating Helmets: Investigation by CFD Simulations
- Data underlying the research of: On-site drag analysis of drafting cyclists
- Data underlying the work: Aerodynamic benefits of drafting in speed skating: Estimates from in-field skater’s wakes and wind tunnel measurements
- Data underlying the publication: An experimental study of the unsteady aerodynamics of a static DU91-W2-150 airfoil at large angles of attack
- E001 - Stiffness and Hinge Release Study (October 2021) (Data underlying the publication: Effect of Wing Stiffness and Folding Wingtip Release Threshold on Gust Loads)
- Figures created during the work on "Design of experiments: a statistical tool for PIV uncertainty quantification"
- Figures created during the work on "Multi-Δt approach for peak-locking error correction and uncertainty quantification in PIV"
- MATLAB scripts created during the work on "Multi-Δt approach for peak-locking error correction and uncertainty quantification in PIV"
- MATLAB scripts created during the work on "Design of experiments: a statistical tool for PIV uncertainty quantification"
- On-site cycling drag analysis with the Ring of Fire
- PIV uncertainty - Database of the unsteady inviscid core of a transitional jet
- PIV uncertainty - Database of the turbulent region of a transitional jet
- Supplementary animations and simulation settings for "Wake Aerodynamic of Multi-Rotor System with Lifting-Devices Under Different Ambient Turbulence"
- Supplementary data for the article: An integrated measurement approach for the determination of the aerodynamic loads and structural motion for unsteady airfoils
- Supporting data for: "Iterative modal reconstruction for sparse particle tracking data"
- Underling data for "On the wake deflection of vertical axis wind turbines by pitched blades"
- Underling source code and case settings for "Numerical Investigation of Regenerative Wind Farms Featuring Enhanced Vertical Energy Entrainment"
- Underlying data, figures and scripts of the publication: Wake Scaling of Actuator Discs in Different Aspect Ratios