Water management during armed conflict: Case study data Mosul, Iraq

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doi: 10.4121/56098c0c-4572-4d20-af34-8005fb179a9a
Datacite citation style:
Schillinger, Juliane (2024): Water management during armed conflict: Case study data Mosul, Iraq. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/56098c0c-4572-4d20-af34-8005fb179a9a.v1
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This dataset is part of a PhD research project investigating the impacts of armed conflict on water management in the Middle East. It contains the primary data collected in the context of a case study on Mosul, Iraq. Data collection took place remotely in February 2021. The dataset also contains a list of secondary data sources, most of which are publicly available.

  • 2024-08-13 first online, published, posted
University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Department of Technology, Policy and Society

DATA - restricted access


Some interview transcipts may include sensitive information on the access to and administration of water resources in ongoing armed conflicts. Access is restricted in principle to protect the interviewees, but will be granted upon reasonable request to supplement future research on water in conflict settings. When requesting access, please be as specific as possible with regard to your research or advocacy project and the planned outputs.

End User Licence Agreement

The contents of this dataset may only be used for research and advocacy purposes on the access to and management of water in conflict-affected settings, with the following conditions of use:

  • Attribution: When using contents of this dataset, credit the author(s) and DOI of the dataset as indicated in the metadata.
  • Sharing: You are not allowed to publish the contents of this dataset or share them with others. Please refer other interested parties to the DOI, so they may request access via 4TU.ResearchData themselves.
  • Direct quotes: In principle, do not quote directly from the interview transcripts. If you feel the strong need to include a specific direct quote, contact the author(s) to obtain permission.
  • Pay it forward: As much as possible, please share your own data on water in conflict-affected settings in turn, to give back to the community and enable more rigorous future research on the impacts of armed conflict.

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