Data and scripts underlying the publication: Unveiling the roles of temporal periodicity, the spatial environment and behavioural modes in terrestrial animal movement

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doi: 10.4121/4ed0e7cd-50e7-4bc4-aae7-289fc0e38dc2
Datacite citation style:
Linssen, Hans; Henrik J. de Knegt; J.A.J. (Jasper) Eikelboom (2024): Data and scripts underlying the publication: Unveiling the roles of temporal periodicity, the spatial environment and behavioural modes in terrestrial animal movement. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Data and scripts underlying the publication: Unveiling the roles of temporal periodicity, the spatial environment and behavioural modes in terrestrial animal movement.

The RData file Linssen_2024_JMovEcol_data contains everything needed to be able to run the code for the analysis:

- Data tables with location data (timestamp, x, y...), one for each species. These data have been pre-processed, cleaned and annotated with environmental covariates as described in the manuscript.

- A custom function collectmuHMMoutput(), which is used to collect all the relevant components of a HMM fit (the model itself, starting parameters, Viterbi decoding et cetera) into one list object.

- A custom function mutatePar0(), which takes starting parameters for a model and creates four sets of perturbations of those starting values (as described in the manuscript under Model fitting).

The R file Linssen_2024_JMovEcol_script contains the code needed to run the analysis. The code can be ran from top to bottom to run the analysis for eland; for wildebeest and zebra the "species" parameter in line 13 should be set to either of these.

  • 2024-07-04 first online, published, posted
r, rdata
Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group, Wageningen University and Research;
Theoretical and Computational Ecology Group, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam;
Department of Animal Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology


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