Data underlying the publication: Arthropod predator identity and evenness jointly shape delivery of pest control services
DOI: 10.4121/4cecc6f9-f604-436b-94af-f49fdfc515e4
Datacite citation style
Maximising the effectiveness of natural pest control requires a detailed understanding of how service delivery is affected by natural enemy community diversity and composition. Many studies have investigated the effects of natural enemy abundance and species richness on pest control. Studies examining the effects of evenness and species identity are fewer and have produced inconsistent results. Here we test the effects of arthropod predator community evenness and species identity on natural pest control by exposing aphid (Sitobion avenae) colonies in experimental cages to arthropod predator communities that had the same abundance and species richness but that differed in evenness and dominant species.
- 2023-10-05 first online, published, posted
CSVAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Arthropod predator identity and evenness jointly shape delivery of pest control servicesOrganizations
Plant Ecology & Nature Conservation Group, wageningen university & researchDATA
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