Code and dataset to analyze output-constrained IPC methods ℓ2-IPC and ℓ∞-IPC
DOI: 10.4121/372325a3-306e-4578-9c72-4fcda690a999
Datacite citation style
Licence Apache-2.0
This code and dataset were used to analyze the ℓ2 and ℓ∞ output-constrained individual pitch control methods. We have proposed these methods and presented these results in our corresponding publication: Output-constrained individual pitch control methods using the multiblade coordinate transformation: Trading off actuation effort and blade fatigue load reduction for wind turbines <insert once available as preprint/published>.
The code can also be found on GitHub. However, the GitHub repository will be updated for potential future publications, whereas this version of the code will remain unaltered in this repository.
The code can be used to run OpenFAST simulations of the ℓ2 and ℓ∞-IPC control methods and analyze the results. You can also recreate our results by downloading the results files (`data - laminar` and `data - turbulent`) and unzipping them into a `Results/data` folder in the same root folder as the analysis code.
A good starting point to run simulations is to first generate input files with `src/` after which you can run these cases with `src/Run_cIPC.m`. To analyze the results (either self-generated or downloaded from this page), use or take inspiration from `Plot_WES.m`, which we used to generate the results for the corresponding publication. For easier plotting, we've used Jesse's `preplot-postplot` Matlab functions, which can also be found on GitHub. For more information see the ``.
- 2024-11-13 first online, published, posted
The dataset consists of binary OpenFAST output files and CSV files. The code to run simulations is in Python, Matlab, and Simulink and the analysis code is in Matlab.Organizations
TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Delft Center for Systems and Control (DCSC)DATA
Files (4)
- 3,045 bytesMD5:
1084f000c704ae23be1b96eb79e6d317 - 4,577,083,826 bytesMD5:
data - laminar - 79,634,326,291 bytesMD5:
data - turbulent - 9,260,970 bytesMD5:
src - -
download all files (zip)
84,220,674,132 bytes unzipped