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Data underlying the publication: Inertial Effects in Sedimenting Suspensions of Solid Spheres in a Liquid

The DOI displayed above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
DOI: 10.4121/1cc98fd6-8d50-4203-96c0-125020c4c242

Datacite citation style

Breugem, Wim-Paul; Tariq Shajahan (2023): Data underlying the publication: Inertial Effects in Sedimenting Suspensions of Solid Spheres in a Liquid . Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/1cc98fd6-8d50-4203-96c0-125020c4c242.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite


This data set contains a zip file of all the data to produce the results of "Shajahan, T., Breugem, W. "Inertial Effects in Sedimenting Suspensions of Solid Spheres in a Liquid, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2023, 104498, ISSN 0301-9322".

MATLAB, PYTHON and PARAVIEW have been used to generate the figures. "plot_figs.m" is a MATLAB script to generate Fig. 5-13, and Fig 15; plotRV_09Apr2023.py is used to generate Fig. 3; plotAF_15Dec2022.py is used to generate Fig. 4; plotKW_17Dec2022.py to generate Fig. 14a,c,e; plotKA_17Dec2022.py is used to generate Fig. 14b,d,f; and 3D visualization data of particle position and vertial velocity (titled "*PartList.txt") corresponding to cases shown in Fig. 2 are included.


  • 2023-05-08 first online, published, posted




zip of text files (with raw data) and corresponding plotting scripts


  • Topsector Water (grant code ALWTW.2016.050) [more info...] Dutch Research Council (NWO)


TU Delft, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering (3ME), Department of Process & Energy, Multiphase Systems group


Files (2)