Underling data for "On the wake deflection of vertical axis wind turbines by pitched blades"
doi: 10.4121/14685978
The repository contains the underlining data for "On the wake deflection of vertical axis wind turbines by pitched blades"
This repository consists of experimental (PIV and force measurements) data in the wake of VAWTs with different blade pitch angles. The measured cases include an isolated VAWT with -10, 0, 10 degree pitch, respectively.
Author contribution:
Ming Huang: Conceptualization; Methodology; Validation; Experimental design; Carrying out the experiment; postprocessing
Yugandhar Vijaykumar Patil: Design assistant; Carrying out the experiment; postprocessing
Andrea Sciacchitano: Conceptualization; Experimental design; Methodology; Validation;
Delphine De Tavernier: Conceptualization
Carlos Simao Ferreira: Conceptualization; Methodology; Validation; Experimental design
- 2022-10-14 published
- 2024-01-17 posted
- China Scholarship Council
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Particle image velocimetry data in the Wake of VAWTs with different fixed blade pitch.zip - download all files (zip)
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