How to Log In
You can log in directly using your institutional credentials if your institution is affiliated with SURFconext and connected to 4TU.ResearchData. Please select your institution from the list and sign in.
If your institution is not listed, you can still log in to 4TU.ResearchData via SURFconext with an eduID. Everyone can create their own eduID account.
Create eduID account
Create eduID account
- Go to the Log in page and select eduID as institution (or enter 'eduID' in the search bar)
- Enter your e-mail address, your first name and your last name, and read the terms of service carefully. Check the box 'I agree with the terms of service' if you agree and then click on 'Request your eduID'.
- Done! You will now receive a confirmation email in your mailbox. The verification email sometimes ends up in your spam filter, so if your email is not there, also check your spam folder.
Click in the email on 'Verify this email'; your eduID has been successfully created.
Click the blue button to continue your way to 4TU.ResearchData.
**Note: you must open the link from the verification email in the same browser you used to request eduID. If this does not happen automatically when you click on the link, right click on the verification link and select 'Copy link'. Then go back to the browser with which you were requesting eduID and paste the link in your address bar to continue.

Log in with eduID
Log in with eduID
- Go to the Log in page and select eduID as institution (or enter 'eduID' in the search bar).
- Enter the e-mail address you used when registering for eduID. Then click on 'Send magic link'.
- Done! You will receive an email with a magic link in seconds. The verification email sometimes ends up in your spam filter, so if your email is not there, also check your spam folder.
- Click the blue button in the email to login. You will be immediately forwarded to the service you came from!

Log in to our Community Platform
The 4TU.ResearchData community provides a platform for members to connect and exchange knowledge about best practices for the creation and reuse of FAIR data within the technical sciences.
Register to become a community member to learn more about FAIR data and Open Science, expand your network, and further your professional development.