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Code underlying the publication: Maintenance Optimization for Multi-Component Systems with a Single Sensor

The doi above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
doi: 10.4121/f533593a-c27e-4b4e-afe0-5354f93c5fb1
Datacite citation style:
Eggertsson, Ragnar; Eruguz, Ayse Sena; Basten, Rob; Maillart, Lisa (2024): Code underlying the publication: Maintenance Optimization for Multi-Component Systems with a Single Sensor. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. software. https://doi.org/10.4121/f533593a-c27e-4b4e-afe0-5354f93c5fb1.v1
Other citation styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Vancouver, Chicago, IEEE) available at Datacite

This is the code used to generate the results for the paper Maintenance Optimization for Multi-Component Systems with a Single Sensor by Ragnar Eggertsson, Ayse Sena Eruguz, Rob Basten, and Lisa M. Maillart. The paper introduces a novel model to optimize maintenance interventions for a multi-component system with a single sensor. The model is formulated as a partially observable Markov decision process. The Python script in this repository implements the algorithm, discussed in the paper, that solves the model. This algorithm is a type of incremental pruning algorithm. Running this algorithm generates the results presented in the section Illustrative Examples.

  • 2024-09-12 first online, published, posted
text_file/.txt images/.png script/.py
  • Proactive Service Logistics for Advanced Capital Goods Next, ProSeLoNext (grant code 438-15-620) [more info...] Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research; Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics
  • PrimaVera (grant code NWA.1160.18.238) [more info...] NWO
TU Eindhoven, Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Operations Analytics
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Industrial Engineering


To access the source code, use the following command:

git clone https://data.4tu.nl/v3/datasets/c8e927b4-baa5-4bda-ad15-f56a99b52f12.git

Or download the latest commit as a ZIP.