Spectral radiance measurements during a Nodularia spumigena bloom event on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany

doi: 10.4121/21814773.v1
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doi: 10.4121/21814773
Datacite citation style:
Shungudzemwoyo P. Garaba; Michelle Albinus (2023): Spectral radiance measurements during a Nodularia spumigena bloom event on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/21814773.v1
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Lake Bante, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
lat (N): 53.5078897
lon (E): 8.1015643
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time coverage
25 August 2022
cc-by.png logo CC BY 4.0

Hyperspectral radiance observations were made from a small electric motor powered boat on Lake Bante in Wilhelmshaven, Germany during a Nodularia spumigena bloom event. The observations were completed on 25 August 2022 using a Spectral Evolution (SEV) SR-3501 spectroradiometer covering the wavelength range 280 nm to 2500 nm. SEV was operated in calibrated radiance mode with an 8° field-of-view lens fitted. Each measurement was generated as the mean of 20 scans. At each station, a series of 3 calibrated radiance measurements were done over the unique optical active targets (i) a 20 × 20 cm SphereOptics Zenith Polymer® SG3120 ≈ 99 % full material PTFE diffuse standard panel = Ed, (ii) lake water surface = Lsfc and then (iii) sky = Lsky at a ~45° viewing angle from nadir. The series of observations at each station was repeated at most 6 times. The measurements were completed at an azimuthal angle from sensor heading to the sun within the range 90 - 135° to avoid surface reflectanced (Garaba and Zielinski, 2013). Quality control step managed to obtain a set of at least 3-6 pseudo replicate measurements for the sampled stations as some measurements were affected by drift and rotation of the boat that resulted in non-optimal viewing geometry or presence of surface reflected glint.

  • 2023-01-04 first online, published, posted
Excel Sheet
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant no. 417276871
  • Evaluating the detect, identify, quantify and track advances in remote sensing of aquatic plastic litter (grant code 417276871) [more info...] Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
  • Discovery Element of the European Space Agency’s Basic Activities contract no. 4000132037/20/NL/GLC
Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM), Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


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