Raw data to "The impact of the current on reverse bias degradation of perovskite solar cells"
This dataset contains the raw data that is used in the letter "The role of the current in reverse bias degradation of perovskite solar cells".
It includes the results of the two characterization steps 1 and 2 (before/after reverse bias degradation), consisting of IV curves, solar cell parameters from illuminated IV measurements, dark IV curves (DIV), extended dark IV curves (DIVext), maximum-power-point-tracking (MPPT), and reverse bias currents (RevBiasCurrents). The samples were perovskite solar cells that had a cell area of 0.16 cm2. Four cells were on one glass superstrate which had an area of 3x3 cm2. Further details about the cells can be found in the publication and its accompanying supporting information.
- 2023-05-01 first online
- 2023-08-23 published, posted
TNO, Energy & Materials Transition, Solar Technology & Application, Den Haag, The Netherlands
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