Efficient RailML Formalization of Railway Interlocking Data

doi: 10.4121/12681368.v2
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doi: 10.4121/12681368
Datacite citation style:
Mark Bosschaart (Delft University of Technology); Egidio Quaglietta (Delft University of Technology); Bob Janssen (SIEMENS NL); Rob M.P. Goverde (Delft University of Technology) (2021): Efficient RailML Formalization of Railway Interlocking Data. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset. https://doi.org/10.4121/12681368.v2
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version 2 - 2021-02-19 (latest)
version 1 - 2014-11-15
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The xsd can be applied to any interlocking areas, but we report an example of the Dutch station Santpoort-Noord,
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An XML database of railway interlocking data is provided which efficiently represent the topology and the logic of interlocking systems. The database has been formalized in a standard format widely used in railways, i.e. RailML. Differently from the other previouly proposed interlocking databases, our approach is able to completely map interlocking systems, removing data redundancy and standardizing its representation. The dataset contains the documentation, the xsd and an example database relative to the Dutch station Santpoort-Noord
  • 2014-11-15 first online
  • 2021-02-19 published, posted
TU Delft
media types: application/octet-stream, application/zip, text/xml
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Departement of Transport and Planning


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