Figures supplementary to the paper: Direct quantification of topological protection in symmetry-protected photonic edge states at telecom wavelengths
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DOI: 10.4121/12764972
DOI: 10.4121/12764972
Datacite citation style
Arora, Sonakshi (2023): Figures supplementary to the paper: Direct quantification of topological protection in symmetry-protected photonic edge states at telecom wavelengths. Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Version 2 - 2023-07-24 (latest)
Version 1 - 2021-12-30
The dataset comprises the figures for the paper "Direct quantification of topological protection in symmetry-protected photonic edge states at telecom wavelengths" by Sonakshi Arora, et. al.. The research objective is the quantification of robustness in topologically non-trivial photonic crystals by means of a phase resolving near field microscope. We map the electric fields in such a crystal and look at reflection and transmissions coefficients through two crystal designs: a straight domain wall and a trapezoidal shaped defect.
- 2021-12-30 first online, published
- 2023-07-24 posted
media types: application/pdf, application/zip, text/plainAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Direct quantification of topological protection in symmetry-protected photonic edge states at telecom wavelengthsFunding
- Control of the Structure of Light at the Nanoscale (grant code 340438) [more info...] European Research Council
- Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions (grant code 759644) [more info...] European Research Council
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of TechnologyDATA
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