Data on testing AirSWMM(v2.0) in water supply networks during pipe filling events

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doi: 10.4121/d6a063f7-aca9-4322-923e-cce5b30dd103
Datacite citation style:
Ferreira, João Paulo; Ferras, David; Covas, Didia; Kapelan, Zoran (2024): Data on testing AirSWMM(v2.0) in water supply networks during pipe filling events. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Intermittent water supply systems are prone to air entrapments during the pipe-filling phase. This work aims to analyse and discuss the numerical results obtained by applying the recently developed AirSWMM model, an extension of SWMM incorporating air phase, to a laboratory network. Experimental data consisting of pressure-head at multiple locations and video recordings of air entrapments are collected in a single loop network with a high point, for different pipe-filling conditions, system layouts and node elevations. Experimental tests have shown that the air entrapment occurred not only at the high point but also throughout the pipe network, creating air pockets with elongated shapes and larger volumes than for single pipes. AirSWWM model with air-entrapment formation, growth and transport is tested in

the pipe network, and results are compared with measurements. AirSWWM model can correctly locate large air pockets but underestimates their volume.

  • 2024-07-08 first online, published, posted
.txt, .csv, .mp4
  • New modelling paradigm for improved intermittent supply system modelling (grant code SFRH/BD/146709/2019) Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Water Management


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