Data underlying the master thesis: Sustainable HRM as a driver for innovative work behavior
doi: 10.4121/bded8dc8-91ec-4892-aa8e-a9a3dbcaefa7
A CSV file that contains the data from a survey on sustainable HRM, work engagement and innovative work behavior under employees in The Netherlands (n=88). The goal of the research was to find the relationship between sustainable HRM and innovative work behavior with work engagement as potential mediator. This file contains the gender, age, sector of work and management position (yes/no) of the respondents. The data on sustainable HRM, work engagement is gathered using a questionnaire. The scales used to measure sustainable HRM are, based on the ROC-model by De Prins et al (2014), participation (Ma Prieto & Perez-Santana (2014)), health & safety (Staniskiene & Stankeviciute (2018)), work-life balance (Lee (2019)), diversity management (Lee (2019)), training & development (Diaz-Carrion et al. (2018)) and career planning & performance management (Diaz-Carrion et al. (2018)). To measure work engagement the UWES-3 scale is used (Schaufeli et al. (2019)), while to measure innovative work behavior the scale by De Jong & Den Hartog (2010) is used. In total, the questionnaire consisted out of 48 question, of which 35 measured sustainable HRM, 3 measured work engagement and 10 measured innovative work behavior.
- 2023-09-20 first online, published, posted
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