Measurement data of rocking of single layer armour units measured by embedded sensors
DOI: 10.4121/b8a978f3-e3f9-4839-9ce4-f0361df027d1
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Time coverage 2020
Licence CC BY 4.0
Single layer randomly placed armour units are used in many rubble mound breakwaters around the world. For these armour layers, breakage of armour units due to rocking could be a major damage mechanism. This data set utilizes novel embedded IMU-based Rocking Sensors to obtain the first measurements of rocking impact velocities of single layer units. Physical model tests were performed on an armour layer with Xbloc® units under irregular waves. A test series with five test runs with increasing wave height was repeated several times, with the nine instrumented units being positioned at three different elevations. Over 42 repeated measurements (realizations) of the rocking motion of a unit were obtained for each combination of unit elevation and wave height (640 in total). Additionally, pictures from a fixed position above the slope are provided to show the downslope settlement of the units, which influences the rocking behaviour.
- 2023-11-27 first online, published, posted
motion_data/matlab(.mat), raw_motion_data/.txt, image/.jpeg, wave_data/.txtAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Rocking of single layer armour units measured by embedded sensorsOrganizations
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Section Hydraulic Structures and Flood RiskDATA
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