Code underlying: Assessing Behavioral Changes through eHealth in Smoking Cessation

doi: 10.4121/aca0e0c8-71b0-4bcf-b7af-0f8ffc8f3c2c.v1
The doi above is for this specific version of this dataset, which is currently the latest. Newer versions may be published in the future. For a link that will always point to the latest version, please use
doi: 10.4121/aca0e0c8-71b0-4bcf-b7af-0f8ffc8f3c2c
Datacite citation style:
van Oudheusden, Jonathan (2024): Code underlying: Assessing Behavioral Changes through eHealth in Smoking Cessation. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Thematic analysis of the responses by participants in a smoking cessation study, focusing on the efficacy of persuasive activities.

This dataset contains the Python code to process the data, calculate agreement and generate figures. It also contains thematic codes from the thematic analysis process

  • 2024-02-01 first online, published, posted
TU Delft, Faculty Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science


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