Data underlying the publication "Mapping a 50-spin-qubit network through correlated sensing"

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doi: 10.4121/aba1cc84-0aea-4cdc-93ca-68b0db38bd81
Datacite citation style:
van de Stolpe, G.L.; Kwiatkowski, D. P.; Bradley, Conor; Randall, Joe; Abobeih, Mohamed et. al. (2024): Data underlying the publication "Mapping a 50-spin-qubit network through correlated sensing". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Spins associated to optically accessible solid-state defects have emerged as a versatile platform for exploring quantum simulation, quantum sensing and quantum communication. Pioneering experiments have shown the sensing, imaging, and control of multiple nuclear spins surrounding a single electron-spin defect. However, the accessible size and complexity of these spin networks has been constrained by the spectral resolution of current methods. Here, we map a network of 50 coupled spins through high-resolution correlated sensing schemes, using a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. We develop concatenated double-resonance sequences that identify spin-chains through the network. These chains reveal the characteristic spin frequencies and their interconnections with high spectral resolution, and can be fused together to map out the network. Our results provide new opportunities for quantum simulations by increasing the number of available spin qubits. Additionally, our methods might find applications in nano-scale imaging of complex spin systems external to the host crystal.

This server contains the data and notebooks to reproduce the figures.

Also, it contains excel files detailing the positions, frequencies, measured couplings and predicted couplings of the 50-spin network mapped in this work.

  • 2024-01-09 first online, published, posted
zipped datasets (JSON) and jupyter notebooks
associated peer-reviewed publication
Mapping a 50-spin-qubit network through correlated sensing
QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft


files (33)