Artifact to supplement the paper: The VerCors Verifier: a Progress Report
doi: 10.4121/a5f97e07-9f84-4223-b581-6d2606fe07ba
Artifact to supplement "The VerCors Verifier: a Progress Report;" Accepted at CAV 2024.
This paper gives an overview of the most recent developments on the
VerCors verifier. VerCors supports deductive verification of
concurrent software, written in multiple programming languages, where
the specifications are written in terms of pre-/postcondition
contracts using permission-based separation logic. In essence, VerCors
is a program transformation tool: it translates an annotated program
into input for the Viper framework, which is then used as verification
back-end. The paper discusses
the different programming languages and features for which VerCors provides
verification support. It also discusses how the tool internally has
been reorganised to become easily extendible, and to improve the connection
and interaction with Viper. In addition, we also introduce two tools
built on top of VerCors, which support correctness-preserving transformations of
verified programs. Finally, we discuss how the VerCors verifier has
been used on a range of realistic case studies.
- 2024-04-10 first online
- 2024-08-01 published, posted
- Mercedes: Maximal Reliability of Concurrent and Distributed Software (grant code 639.023.710) [more info...] Dutch Research Council
- ChEOPS (NWO TTW grant 17249)
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
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