Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland versie 6 (LGN6)
DOI: 10.4121/9a7f257e-1132-4c34-ae96-b1a0b815789e
Datacite citation style
Usage statistics
Time coverage 2007-2008
Licence CC BY-SA 4.0
The LGN6 database is a grid file with a resolution of 25*25 m. The database provides the Dutch land use for one reference year, the years 2007 (eastern NL) and 2008 (western NL). The legend consists of 39 land use classes, distinguishing the main agricultural crops, forest, water, nature and urban classes. Compared to LGN5 some
thematic changes in class content were applied. In LGN6, the following land use classes have disappeared:
– deciduous forest in built-up areas (LGN5 class 20)
– coniferous forest in built-up areas (LGN5 class 21)
– forest in densely built-up areas (LGN5 class 22)
– peat meadows / veenweidegebied (LGN5 class 44)
– bare ground in nature areas (LGN5 class 46)
The LGN5 classes 20, 21 and 22 have been merged and classified as forest in primary or secondary built-up area, respectively class 20 and 22. New classes are tree nurseriers, fruit cultivation and grassland in secundary built-up areas.
The LGN6 database has used the following data sources:
• Top10NL (version 2006)
• Bestand BodemGebruik 2003 (BBG2003)
• Begrenzing Bebouwd Gebied (BG2003)
• Basiskaart Natuur 2007 (BKN2007)
• Landelijk Grondgebruik Nederland versie 5 (LGN5)
• CBS landbouwstatistiek
• BasisRegistratie Percelen 2007/2008 (BRP2007/2008)
• Aerial photos and satellite imagery
The dataset is since May 2023 public which is made possible by WOT Natuur & Milieu, Het Waterschapshuis,
Interprovinciaal Overleg, RIVM and Wageningen Environmental Research.
- 2023-07-10 first online, published, posted
Geotif fileAssociated peer-reviewed publication
Landelijk Grondgebruiksbestand Nederland versie 6 (LGN6). Vervaardiging, nauwkeurigheid en gebruikLanguage
Applied Spatial Research, Wageningen University & ResearchDATA - under embargo
The files in this dataset are under embargo until 2028-07-07.
Dataset is currently available via the LGN website, and will be available here in the future.