Code and Data for "Availability and utilisation of airspace structure in a U-space traffic management system"

Datacite citation style:
Morfin Veytia, Andres (2023): Code and Data for "Availability and utilisation of airspace structure in a U-space traffic management system". Version 2. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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choose version: version 3 - 2023-07-05 (latest)
version 2 - 2023-06-09
version 1 - 2023-06-08
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This contains the code and output logs to run the BlueSky simulator for "Availability and utilisation of airspace structure in a U-space traffic management system". The code provided here is a modified version of the main fork of BlueSky (

The first step is to install the correct environment. Refer to `condaenv.txt` for the list of packages needed to run the simulator.

After setting up the environment, we then need to save all of the potential paths of drones in `bluesky/plugins/streets/path_plan_dills`. Note that this takes about 180GB of storage so make sure to have enough available. The paths can be downloaded from There are some example paths saved in this dataset but it will not be possible to run all of the experiment without downloading the paths.

The scenarios for sub-experiment 1 are saved in `bluesky/scenario/subexperiment1`.

The scenarios for sub-experiment 2 are saved in `bluesky/scenario/subexperiment2`.

To run the scenarios we first need to start a bluesky server by running the following code inside `bluesky`:

`python --headless`

In another terminal we can start a bluesky client by running:

`python --client`

In the bluesky console we can now run each batch scenario by typing and entering:

`batch batch_subexperiment_1.scn` or

`batch batch_subexperiment_2.scn`

The logs of the scenarios are saved in `bluesky/output`.

Without the paths, it will not possible to run the simulations. However, this code currently has some paths so that it is possible to run some example scenarios. The zeroth repetition for the low imposed traffic demand case can be run without all of the paths. For example, `bluesky/scenario/subexperiment1/Flight_intention_low_40_0_1to1.scn` and `bluesky/scenario/subexperiment2/Flight_intention_low_40_0_baseline.scn` can be run directly with this dataset.

First start bluesky by running:


In the console, type.

`ic subexperiment2/Flight_intention_low_40_0_baseline.scn`

Please do not hesistate to contact me with any questions.


  • 2023-06-08 first online
  • 2023-06-09 published, posted
.py, .log, .txt, .md
  • Metropolis 2: A unified approach to airspace design and separation management for U-space (grant code 892928) [more info...] European Commission
TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Control & Operations


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