Data and code underlying the research project: Evaluation of Perceptual Accuracy in Simulated Room Impulse Responses
doi: 10.4121/9208260b-8625-4917-8ad4-f56190187070
This project involves conducting and analyzing listening tests using modified webMUSHRA software to evaluate the perceptual accuracy of simulated acoustic environments. The code is structured into five main directories: Docs, containing ethics documents; Modified webMUSHRA Software, including testing code and configurations run with Docker for paired_comparison and subjective_eval tests; Results, storing both raw and processed data from the listening tests; Samples, providing original and convolved audio files with real and simulated Room Impulse Responses (RIRs); and Utils, featuring scripts for generating sine sweeps, convolving and clipping audio, and performing basic statistical analysis. For questions, contact
- 2024-06-28 first online, published, posted
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