Data underlying the research between ASR and MT quality of Automatic Subtitling Platforms

doi: 10.4121/7cfa296a-72b7-4460-acd4-86193b43701e.v1
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doi: 10.4121/7cfa296a-72b7-4460-acd4-86193b43701e
Datacite citation style:
Li, Mingming (2023): Data underlying the research between ASR and MT quality of Automatic Subtitling Platforms . Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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In the first experiment of ASR accuracy comparison, 1 set of speech-to-text data (hereafter Veed 0 and Iflyrec 0 ) is generated after submitting the “Qantas Safety video” on “Iflyrec” and “Veed”. The reference speech-to-text data is transcribed from Qantas’ official channel on YouTube.

In the second experiment of automatic subtitling translation comparison, 3 sets of data are collected and analyzed. The author uses the original speech-to-text data of “Iflyrec” and “Veed” to generate one set of automatic subtitling translations (hereafter Veed 1 and Iflyrec 1), and then inputs the speech-to-text data on these two platforms to generate the final automatic subtitling translation version (hereafter Veed 2 and Iflyrec 2). For the human translation reference, this paper uses the translation from a tutor affiliated with the Civil Aviation University of China. 

  • 2023-10-18 first online, published, posted
  • “Chunhui Plan” of the Ministry of Education (China) (grant code HZKY20220001) Lei Jing
Minzu University of China, School of Foreign Studies


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