Calibrated DTS data, Maisbich, 2008-07

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Luxemburg, W.M.J.(Wim); Westhoff, M.C.(Martijn) (2011): Calibrated DTS data, Maisbich, 2008-07. Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. dataset.
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Fibre optic Distributed Temperature Sensor DTS, Maisbich, Luxemburg
lat (N): 49.888592
lon (E): 6.044573
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Calibrated fibre optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data, Maisbich, Luxemburg Parent item: Calibrated fibre optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) data, Maisbich Explanation of the calibration procedure of the DTS derived temperatures in the Maisbich river, Luxembourg. Note that it only corrects offsets orriginating from the DTS device (Halo, Sensornet, UK). It does NOT correct for periods when the cable is not properly submerged in the stream. The DTS obtained temperatures were calibrated with five independent temperature loggers (TidbiT v2 Temp logger, HOBO, USA) located along the cable at 26, 395, 931, 1111 and 1270 m from the DTS desktop computer, respectively. Note that the investigated branch lies between 717 (V-notch weir Q3) and 1282 m (V-notch weir Q4) from the desktop computer. For each Tidbit temperature logger, which measured at a 6 min interval, a linear relation was determined between the DTS derived temperature and the difference between the TidbiT and DTS derived temperature for the period 4-Apr-2008 until 4-Dec-2008 (dT = a*T_DTS + b). For each Tidbit location a slope (a) and an offset (b) was determined: Tidbit Distance(m) a b T coolbox 26 -1.31 0,0974 T road 395 -0.49 0,0664 T Mai171u 931 -0.69 0,122 T Mai11u 1111 -0.25 0,109 T Q4-2 1270 -0.056 0,0965 Then a lineair relation between distance from the DTS desktop computer and slope (a_slope + b_slope*X), and between distance from desktop computer and offset (a_offset + b_offset*X) was derived, resulting in an offset as a function of distance and DTS derived temperatures. Subsequently, this offset was added to the initial DTS derived temperatures. Tcal = T_DTS + ( a_slope + b_slope*X)T_DTS + (a_offset + b_offset*X) with: a_slope :0.085 b_slope :1.78e-005 a_offset:-1.16 b_offset:8.03e-004 In the last step the distance was reversed, with the upstream V-notch weir Q4 at 0 m. Only the part between V-notch weirs Q4 and Q3 (at 565 m) are shown. Measuring instrument: Fibre optic Distributed Temperature Sensor DTS, Maisbich, Luxemburg The fibre optic Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) system measures the water temperature along the entire stream. It consists of a dedicated desktop computer with built-in data-acquisition and processing software, to which a fibre optic cable is attached. Short laser pulses (in the order of a few nanoseconds) are sent through the fibre optic cable. When light strikes matter a small portion of the light may be reflected. By measuring the time between the moment the laser pulse is sent through the cable and the moment a reflected photon comes back, the location of reflectance can be determined, since the speed of light in glass is known. The system is from Halo, Sensornet, UK, and has a spatial resolution of 2 m and a temporal resolution of 3 min. This configuration results in a precision of ∼0.1◦C.
  • 2011-09-28 first online, published, posted
TU Delft
media types: application/x-matlab-data, application/x-netcdf, text/plain
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences


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