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Matlab files used to produce the figures in publication "Induced aseismic slip and the onset of seismicity in displaced faults"

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DOI: 10.4121/19664427

Datacite citation style

Jansen, Jan Dirk; Meulenbroek, Bernard (2022): Matlab files used to produce the figures in publication "Induced aseismic slip and the onset of seismicity in displaced faults". Version 1. 4TU.ResearchData. software. https://doi.org/10.4121/19664427.v1
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These Matlab files have been used to generate the plots for: Jansen, J.D. and Meulenbroek, B., 2022: "Induced Aseismic Slip and the Onset of Seismicity in Displaced Faults". Accepted for publication in the Netherlands Journal of Geosciences.

The main file is fault_slip_main.m. It contains a set of input parameters to compute and plot depletion-induced stresses and fault slip along an inclined fault for user-defined parameters. 

See the text file ReadMe.txt for further infromation.


  • 2022-05-02 first online, published, posted




Matlab code (zip file)


  • NWO prorgamme 'DeepNL' (project number DEEP.NL.2018.046)


TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Geoscience and Engineering


Files (1)