Field test dataset on human driven vehicles' behaviour in mixed traffic with automated vehicles
DOI: 10.4121/6fb5a547-ef0e-4931-acf7-934f86586f81
Datacite citation style
This research is based on data gathered in 2020 in the Netherlands.
A controlled field test was conducted in which human drivers interacted with both human-driven vehicles (HDVs) and automated vehicles (AVs). Participants were asked to drive in their own vehicle (because of COVID-19 restrictions). During the field test, the participants interacted with an instrumented test vehicle that could be set up to appear as an AV. The instrumented test vehicle collected data on the driving behavior of the participant during their interactions. The field test was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
The field test was conducted on a 3 km long straight road section in Noordzeeweg near the town of Rozenburg in the Netherlands. The test route had one 3.5-m wide lane per direction separated by dashed lane markings (i.e., overtaking was allowed). The traffic intensity of the test location was very low (around 30 vehicles per hour), and the speed limit of the road section is 60 km/h. A depiction of the route is attached in this dataset information.
18 participants took part in the field test.14 participants were between 35 and 60 years old, and 4 participants were younger than 35 years old. Behaviors of gap acceptance, overtaking, and car-following were studied, while the scenarios varied with the appearance of the test vehicle, either as an HDV or AV.
More details about the experiment set-up itself can be found in our paper published:
Attached files:
Processed dataset
ReadMe file
File formats:
Data (created and used in matlab) /.sav
- 2025-03-13 first online, published, posted
Data (created and used in matlab) /.savReferences
- Safe and efficient operation of AutoMated and human drivEN vehicles in mixed traffic (grant code 17187) [more info...] Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW), a subdomain of the Dutch Institute for Scientific Research (NWO)
TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Department of Transport and Planning, Traffic Systems EngineeringDATA
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